If you plan on visiting Piazza San Marco and the Rialto Bridge next year, among countless other Venetian hotspots, be forewarned. According to CNN, starting on 16 January, 2023, Venice, Italy will be levying a dynamic tourism tax on day-tripper tourists. Prices are said to vary between three and ten euros per person. The official pricing system […]
Argentina and the Fifty Peso Note
Time to create a word: inflatuation. Meaning? (Tourist with a) fondness for countries suffering from superlatively high inflation. Venezuela might be the reigning regional champ, but this issue isn’t new to Argentina either. While your country is grappling with excessive inflation, you might as well instruct your state bank to try to instill some nationalist […]
Air Astana Reconnects Montenegro and Kazakhstan
As of yesterday, 1 June, Air Astana, the largest airline in Kazakhstan, and one of the biggest in Central Asia, has restarted its flights to Podgorica in the beautiful Balkan country of Montenegro. Air Astana first served this these routes last summer. From personal experience, Podgorica is merely the hub from where you plan travel to the […]
Add Swoop to the List of Canadian Carriers Serving Chicago
There’s a new Canadian airline in town. The town in question? Chicago. The airline? Swoop. Per PR Newswire, As of today, 31 May, Swoop, the “low-cost Canadian carrier,” has inaugurated flights to Chicago O’Hare (ORD) from Toronto Pearson (YYZ). Twice a week, that is on Mondays and Thursday, flight WO746 is scheduled to leave Toronto at 06:30, and […]
Singapore Changi Terminal 2 Reopening in Stages
As many COVID-19 travel restrictions are being lifted, especially in Southeast Asia, Singapore Changi Airport is slowly blowing off the pandemic dust. But before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s compare what has became the modern icon of the Singaporean transfer hub, the Jewel shopping center waterfall. May 2019: April 2022: From 29 May, what some consider […]
Slightly Relaxed South Korean Entry Requirements Coming Our Way
Very slowly and gradually, East Asia is opening up its borders. For folks who are vaccinated, South Korean pandemic travel requirements are getting a tad easier. Just a tad. From today, 23 May, when visiting South Korea, you can either take a PCR test that was taken within 48 hours of departure, or now a […]
Delaware is Losing its Only Passenger Air Service
If you’re racing to fly to/from each of the 50 U.S. states, you may want to hurry up. From 6 June, Delaware will once again be the only state without commercial air service, reports USA Today. Ordinarily, someone in the travel industry wouldn’t think twice about starting a flight from just about anywhere in the […]
Myanmar Is Restarting its Tourist E-visas
The COVID-19 Southeast Asia reopening show has another episode in the works. This Sunday, 15 May, Myanmar — or, if you’re an historian, Burma — is restarting its tourist e-visa website. The link for the tourist e-visa application can be found here. Having been shut since March 2020 due to the pandemic, the Myanmar government […]