We’re nearing end of the Ugo Boncompagni calendar, which means I will be sharing my favorite meals of the 2021. Though 2020 understandably didn’t get much love in terms of culinary travel, 2021 flipped that pandemic fear around a full 180°. Without further ado, let’s go eating around the world – fine, two continents – […]
Food & Drink
2021 Pandemic Travel, from Mexico to Mexico (with a Brief Border Crossing Guide)
During a stint in Chicago a few years ago, I found that Frontier Airlines offered some really good deals to/from Harlingen, Texas (airport code HRL), close to the Mexican border cities of Reynosa and Matamoros. Then, from one of those cities, it’s a cheap flight to where ever else in Mexico. Yes, why not escape those […]
Moscow’s Quirky Vending Machines
The freshest in my recent stroll through trip photos is the unexpected amusement found in the form of Moscow vending machines…and here I thought Japan had already cornered the market on this stuff. Without further ado, let’s take a gander at a few surprising – and one not so surprising – souvenirs: Now you too […]
Unforgettable Breakfasts in Sapporo, Japan
We have both been duped by today’s title. I wish I could say that my breakfasts in Sapporo, Japan were unforgettable in the positive sense – then again, I did have control over what was to be eaten – but to be fair, it was only one day’s selections that were unique. I was drawn […]
If Food Had Passports: Guatemalan Cardamom
Ever since I started raiding the breath freshener (and carminative) trays at Indian restaurants, I’ve been curious about cardamom. Whereas my usual reason for diving into those trays was for the candy-coated fennel seeds, the inimitable aggressive and unique flavor of cardamom always stood out. When else could I find the expensive pods in my […]
Nutrition Facts, or Nutrition Lies?
Fuzzy math, indeed. I was chowing down on some Nature Valley Pumpkin Spice granola bars the other day, when I noticed the perplexing Nutrition Facts label on the packaging: If I am reading the percentages (%) and Reference Amounts Customarily Consumed (RACC) correctly, I should probably hold a conference call with my elementary school teachers […]
St. Louis-Style Pork Steak
Due to the raging pandemic, I recently returned from a family visit near St. Louis, Missouri (USA). With the notable exceptions of St. Louis city and county, that region of the state was significantly more open for business than where I currently live. As someone who would normally travel hours just to try new food, […]