At the end of the day, it’s all about problem solving.
You see, in my quest to augment the typical hotel experience, hiccups are an inevitable part of the stay. For instance, the hotel room refrigerator might be broken. Or there’s no mini-fridge. Maybe I forgot a mouse pad (what the heck does this have to do with food? You will shortly find out). After all of that, I just got back from the supermarket, and it’s freezing outside, but boiling inside.

Short-term issues they may be, I still try as hard possible to find a solution for them. Let’s call these curious solutions food travel hacks.
Need an example? Always on the lookout for local food brands, I bought a hefty lot of smoked salmon, milk, and produce the first night I was in York, England on business. However, my bed & breakfast understandably didn’t have a fridge in the room.
Fortunately, however it was early December, and fortunately, both the bedroom and bathroom windows had exterior sills. Having forgotten about the lack of refrigerator while at the supermarket, I wasn’t about to let the perishables go to waste (and this particular bed & breakfast didn’t have a shared fridge). Consequently, I placed all of the refrigerable items on the sills, where they remained properly chilled during my stay. And yes, I checked to see if there was any likelihood that the items would fall on an unsuspecting passer-by, but each window overlooked swathes of shrubbery.
Note: you probably wouldn’t want to do that in a famously windy location.
But it’s not always a problem with the food. Maybe there’s something else in the room that could be adjusted with the assistance of some creativity, without having to inform (aka ask permission of) hotel staff.
For a few of my tips, check out my food travel hacks video.
This must be the worst rambling BS tweet of a travel blogger ive ever read. What total BS.
It can’t be … “tweets” are only 280 characters. My ramblings are around 300+ words.
But since you don’t seem convinced, you will have to check out the video link at the end of the post. That one clarifies everything.