Recently, I came across an article from two months ago that mentioned how Chinese Leader Jinping Xi issued a decree limiting the construction of buildings >250 meters (~821 feet) tall, disallowing buildings > 500 meters (~1641 feet), and prohibiting copycat behavior – in architecture. That article made me reflect on the architectural scene in China, […]
Some People Like Banh Mi, Some Like…Thuoc Lao
Within the Solanaceae family of plants are some of my favorite foods; tomatoes, eggplant, and potatoes are the three that come to mind. However, there’s one particularly nasty member of the family that not only counts as addicts hundreds of millions of people, but also doubles as an effective pesticide… Tobacco. Yet, there’s the tobacco […]
St. Louis-Style Pork Steak
Due to the raging pandemic, I recently returned from a family visit near St. Louis, Missouri (USA). With the notable exceptions of St. Louis city and county, that region of the state was significantly more open for business than where I currently live. As someone who would normally travel hours just to try new food, […]